Check out the Threads Lab at the ASTMH Annual Meeting this week!
1) Ending the Neglect of Female Genital Schistosomiasis Through a Holistic
and Integrated Approach: Introducing the FAST Package
Speakers: Dr. Alison Krentel, Dr. Amadou Garba Djirmay, Dr. Joseph
Opare, Dr. Julie Jacobson, Dr. Margaret Gyapong
Oral presentations:
1) Opportunities and barriers to health campaign integration during the
COVID-19 era across Vitamin A, immunisation, neglected tropical
diseases, polio and insecticide treated bednets: a key informant interview
study of campaign stakeholders
Authors: Alison Krentel, Afzaa Rajabali, Olumide Ogundahunsi, Tuoyo
Okorosobo, Carol McPhillips-Tangum, Eva Bazant, Margaret Gyapong
2) Frontline health worker and community health volunteer experiences with
delivery of mass drug administration using triple drug therapy for lymphatic
filariasis in Papua New Guinea: a mixed method study
Authors: Alison Krentel, Krufinta Bun, Daniel Dilliott, Afzaa Rajabali,
Moses Laman, Benedict Mode, Makoto Sekihara, Charles Thickstun,
William Pomat, Christopher L. King
Poster presentations:
1) Assessing acceptability of mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis
as part of routine monitoring and evaluation: feasibility and operational
Authors: Charles Thickstun, Krufinta Bun, Moses Laman, Benedict Mode,
Makoto Sekihara, Daniel Dilliott, Afzaa Rajabali, William Pomat, Christopher
L. King, Alison Krentel
2) Missed treatment rounds amongst mobile populations in Mali: a potential
risk to NTD elimination
Authors: Moussa Sangare, Siaka Y Coulibaly, Housseini Dolo, Abdoul
Fatao Diabate, Lamine Diarra, Fatoumata dite Nene Konipo, Michel E
Coulibaly, Salif S Doumbia, Yacouba Sanogo, Lamine Soumaoro, Massitan
Dembele, Mahamadou Traore, Yaya Ibrahim Coulibaly, Thomas B Nutman,
Alison Krentel